\u003cbr />Nærværende hjemmeside bruger Google Analytics til at tegne et billede af de besøgendes trafik - i den forbindelse anvendes cookies fra nævnte tredjeparts-program. Det sker for at kunne identificere, hvorfra og hvornår vores hjemmeside tilgås. Formålet er udelukkende at analysere data og føre statistik med disse.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />Hjemmesiden kan desuden bruge cookies fra Google Adwords. Det sker for at kunne adressere kampagner direkte til enheder, hvorfra der er blevet søgt specifikt efter vores produkter. Ønsker man ikke denne form for målrettet reklame, kan cookies fravælges.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />Cookies kan også anvendes i tilpasning af annoncer og til at vise funktioner til sociale medier. Oplysninger om brug af hjemmesiden kan deles med partnere inden for sociale medier, annoncering og analyser. Vores partnere kan kombinere disse data med andre oplysninger givet til dem, eller som de har indsamlet fra din brug af deres tjenester.","en":"Using cookies, we record information about how users use our website. We use the information to continuously improve our service, ensure quick and undisturbed connections, and better target our marketing of the site.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />This site uses Google Analytics to draw a picture of visitors' traffic - cookies are used from the third party program. We do so to identify where and when our website is accessible. The purpose is to analyze data only and conduct statistics.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />The website can also use cookies from Google Adwords. The purpose is to be able to address campaigns directly to devices from which specific search has been made for our products. If you do not want this form of targeted advertising, cookies can be opted out.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />Cookies can also be used in customizing ads and displaying social media features. Information about using the website may be shared with social media, advertising and analysis partners. Our partners can combine this data with other information given to them or as they have collected from your use of their services."},"block or delete cookies title":{"description":"","da":"Du kan blokkere eller slette cookies","en":"You can block or delete cookies"},"block or delete cookies description":{"description":"","da":"Via menuen i din browser har du kontrol over, hvilke typer af cookies, der må lagres på din computer - vær opmærksom på, at der kan opstå problemer med visse funktioner på vores hjemmeside, hvis du ikke tillader cookies.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />Via samme menu kan du også slette cookies. Vær endnu engang opmærksom på, at de bliver oprettet igen, næste gang du besøger vores eller andres hjemmesider, medmindre du har ændret dine indstillinger for cookies.","en":"In the browser menu you have control over the types of cookies that may be stored on your computer - please be aware that problems with features on our website may occur if you do not allow cookies.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />In the same menu you can also delete cookies. Please be aware that they will be re-created the next time you visit our or other websites unless you have changed your cookies settings."},"accept our use of cookies title":{"description":"","da":"Når du har accepteret eller nægtet brugen af cookies","en":"Once you have accepted or denied the use of cookies"},"accept our use of cookies description":{"description":"","da":"Dette banner med oplysninger folder sig sammen, men du vil altid kunne hente betingelserne frem igen ved at klikke på vores lille cookie-ikon i skærmens nederste højre hjørne. Her er det også muligt at ændre dit valg på et senere tidspunkt.","en":"This banner of information folds together, but you will always be able to retrieve the conditions by clicking our cookie icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Here it is also possible to change your choice at a later time."},"close cookie modal button":{"description":"","da":"Luk","en":"Close"},"decline button":{"description":"","da":"Nægt cookies","en":"Deny cookies"},"decline alert description":{"description":"","da":"Er du sikker? Visse elementer såsom kontaktformularer, kort og youtube-videoer vil ikke længere fungere optimalt.","en":"Are you sure? Certain elements such as contact forms, maps and youtube videos will no longer work optimally."},"limited access banner title":{"description":"","da":"Begrænset funktionalitet","en":"Limited functionality"},"limited access banner description":{"description":"","da":"Dette element kræver accept af cookies","en":"This item requires acceptance of cookies"},"change cookie settings":{"description":"","da":"Skift cookie-indstilling","en":"Change cookie setting"}},"forms":{"submit message header":{"description":"","da":"Formular indsendt!","en":"Form submitted!"},"submit message processing header":{"description":"","da":"Indsendelse behandles...","en":"Submission processing..."},"submit message error header":{"description":"","da":"Der skete en fejl! Prøv venligst igen senere.","en":"There was an error! Please try again later."}}}};